Thursday 4 April 2019

Main Sources Of Electricity

Wind turbines stand behind a solar power park

Main Sources Of  Electricity.

Have you ever wondered how your mobile device and other electronic devices are charged? Besides keeping us digitally connected, electricity also saves lives in hospitals, powers industry and keeps the U.S. economy going. Whether it's a 19th Century energy source like coal or 21st Century source like solar, it's worth knowing how electric energy works, how it's generated and where the juice that powers our lives comes from.

What You Need to Know About Electric Energy;

Electric energy is created by the flow of electrons, often called "current," through a conductor, such as a wire. The amount of electric energy created depends on the number of electrons flowing and the speed of the flow. Energy can either be potential or kinetic. A lump of coal, for example, represents potential energy that becomes kinetic when it is burned.  



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